Steven Jobs also known as Steve Jobs gave a speech at Stanford University in 2005. The speech was about three short yet deep stories that gave everyone a message. The first one was about why Jobs dropped out of college to pursue his dream. He thought that college was a waste of money and time because instead of taking courses he was interested in, he had to take required courses which are pointless. I kind of feel the same way about this. Instead he dropped out and took a calligraphy class that helped him develop all types of fonts which he included in the Macintosh computer. So the lesson of this story was to follow your instincts and feelings to pursue what you truly love, so later in life you can connect the dots when you look back.
The second story was about loving and losing. He invented the Macintosh along with some people he taught were smart and ambitious, but he was then fired by that same people he hired. At the time he felt that he lost the company he created but then he started looking at the positive side of being fired. This is when he developed neXT and Pixar Animation which is the biggest animation company in the world. He later realized that being fired got out the best of him instead of getting the worst. I can totally understand how anyone can apply this to the everyday life and in fact, I think everybody has without even realizing it. Every time you fail to accomplish something, you can learn from the mistakes and make something even better than with what you started.
The third story was about death. Jobs was detected with a tumor in his pancreas and there wasn't a cure for this. He was told that he would live only 3-6 more months. He was shocked about the news and sticked to the quote "Live everyday as if it was your last one." This is probably a quote that we have all heard of and I think it is motto which all of us should live by. I think you start being happy when you realize that being sad, angry or frustrated is not worth it. Every minute you are angry or sad are 60 seconds of happiness you will not get back. So I truly believe that Jobs did the same thing and that is what everyone should do. Jobs' speech was definitely very touching and inspiring for those college graduates and for anyone that watches it. He was definitely a legend.
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